Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jaggery IPA -- Taste Test

I finally sat down and gave my Jaggery IPA, an English IPA, a real taste test today using the BJCP guidelines. What I got really didn't surprise me. I have been drinking it for a while and realized that there were some significant flaws. The biggest problem I ran into was that during fermentation my temp probe was not attached to the carboy, and the temp of the beer got up to about 80 degrees. I think I may have made it worse by kicking on the fridge and dropping it down to 68 as quickly as possible. Nonetheless, It has cleaned up quite a bit over the past month and it is at least drinkable now. Also, I used 2 pounds of Jaggery palm sugar, I am not sure how this played into the taste, but I assume it made some difference. And so, the critique;

Aroma: Mostly Alcoholic with a little bit of hop Aroma. Would expect a lot more aroma to fit style. As beer warms, the alcohol smell really takes over.

Appearance: Head retention OK, very cloudy, Mostly Orange

Flavor: Finishes pretty clean, little bit of hop aftertaste. Strong alcohol flavor on back of tongue. Some Maltiness, but the alcohol really overwhelms all else. Mostly seems to be a higher alcohol flavor. When you breathe out through your nose, you can really feel it burn on the way out.

Mouthfeel: Medium full body, Alcohol fills out the mouthfeel. A bit of hop astringency, but not much.

Overall Impression: Decent beer, way to many fusel alcohols. Needs a lot more hop flavor and aroma. Maybe next time dry hop, and use some crystal 60 to help get that malty flavor that a british IPA has.

Overall Score: 24/50



Cool. Someone else keeping recipes on Blogger. . . Give mine a look.

I had a question about jaggery or panela. I want to use it in my next brew to see what it is all about. Do you have recommendations as to styles that are good for either jaggery or panela?

Local said...

Where can I get hops in bangalore?:)